
Showing posts from November, 2022
If you're not sure how much you'll increase your benefit, you can create a Social Security M account online. Just make sure you do it on November 1st. 15. After that, you can check your account in early December to see your new number. You will also receive a letter in the mail with all the details in December.   Here's why you should get your first pay increase in December if you get SSI and when you can expect it. For more information, here are the Social Security payment schedule and the Social Security disability insurance payment schedule. Here's how much Medicare and deductibles will cost in 2023. Why did I get an increase in my December SSI check? The Social Security Administration has a strict process that it follows when sending a salary. For SSI recipients, payments are almost always sent on the first of each month.    There are two reasons why your payment doesn't come on the first of each month: If your regular payment date falls on a holiday or weekend....